Durability of concrete produced with proven internal curing agents subjected to the action of chloride

  • Julia Giordani Berton UFRGS
  • Luiz Carlos Pinto da Silva Filho UFRGS
Keywords: internal curing; porous materials; chlorides action; durability.


The procedure to promote internal curing is one of the strategies to reduce the shrinkage process of
high strength concrete with low water/cement ratio. Various materials have been used as curing agents,
such as porous materials, which must meet the minimum requirements defined by ASTM C1761. This
research sought to contribute to the development of new ways to inhibit the degradation of reinforced
concrete structures through the use of ceramic shell and expanded clay, used as an internal curing agent
in concrete subjected to the action of chlorides. Based on the results found, it is possible to verify that
the selected aggregates, mainly the ceramic shell, contributed to the improvement of the mechanical
properties and durability of the concretes in the evaluated conditions.
Keywords: internal curing; porous materials; chlorides action; durability.


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How to Cite
Giordani Berton, J., & Pinto da Silva Filho, L. C. (2023). Durability of concrete produced with proven internal curing agents subjected to the action of chloride. Revista ALCONPAT, 13(3), 299 - 311. https://doi.org/10.21041/ra.v13i3.665