Resistivity thresholds to evaluate durability of concrete with waterproofing agents and different water/cement ratios

  • Alberto Guzmán CeReDeTeC, Facultad Regional Mendoza, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Keywords: durability, corrosion, Wenner probe, electrical resistivity


In the present work it is evaluated how the variation of the water/cement ratio influences the electrical
resistivity of the concrete; the type of cement selected (CPP and CPF); and the incorporation of a water
repellent. Cylindrical specimens were made on which the resistivity was evaluated using the Wenner
probe method. Comparing the results obtained with the threshold values indicated in the literature, it is
possible to understand the importance of this degradation mechanism that implies limiting the
maximum w/c ratio to 0.45. On the other hand, the CPP cement turned out to be the one with the best
performance, giving rise to higher resistivity results, while the incorporation of the water repellent had
a null or counterproductive effect on said parameter.
Keywords: durability; corrosion; Wenner probe; electrical resistivity


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How to Cite
Guzmán, A. (2023). Resistivity thresholds to evaluate durability of concrete with waterproofing agents and different water/cement ratios. Revista ALCONPAT, 13(3), 286 - 298.