RA V14 N3, Message from the Editor in Chief (September – December, 2024)

  • Pedro Castro Borges
Keywords: --





It is a source of satisfaction and joy for the ALCONPAT Journal team to see the third issue of our fourteenth year published.

The objective of the Revista ALCONPAT (RA) is the publication of citable production (basic or applied research, and reviews), documentary research and case studies, related to the themes of our association, i.e. quality control, pathology and recovery of constructions.

In this V14 N3 of the Alconpat Journal, the Editorial Committee is pleased to have as Guest Editors Doctors Roberto Christ (President of Alconpat Brazil) and Enio Pazini (President of Alconpat International), who have done an excellent job in the selection, evaluation and approval of the works that appear in this issue. These works responded to the call for best works sent to the Brazilian Congress of Construction Pathology (CBPat 2024) under the theme of "Strategies, methods, materials and technology to confer durability and sustainability to concrete infrastructure".

We are confident that the articles in this issue will be an important reference for those readers involved in issues of evaluation and characterization of materials, elements and structures. We thank the authors participating in this issue for their willingness and effort to submit quality articles and meet the established deadlines.

Fourteen years after starting operations, our performance as Alconpat Journal was finally rewarded with our inclusion in one of the two best indexes for journals such as Elsevier's Scopus. We already have a modest impact factor (0.3), which I am sure will increase thanks to you, our readers, and the quality of our articles. Our membership in Scopus has its historic beginning on December 29, 2022, the date on which we received approval from Elsevier. We hope during 2025, when we will celebrate 15 years of being on the air, to apply to Journal Citation Reports, which is the index with the highest international coverage and quality. These are reasons for celebration for our community that has made a scientific investment in our journal waiting for moments like this. Congratulations to all.

By the Editorial Board


Pedro Castro Borges          

Editor in Chief                    



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How to Cite
Castro Borges, P. (2024). RA V14 N3, Message from the Editor in Chief (September – December, 2024). Revista ALCONPAT, 14(3), --. Retrieved from https://mail.revistaalconpat.org/index.php/RA/article/view/773